Nu är det skrytdags... Jag är så glad över en kommentar jag fått av Ann, så jag lägger ut den här:
"Hi Emilie,
didn't realise those were matchboxes, I thought they were ATC's, what a great idea and they all look so lovely, But the ginger bread tin, well that's just spectacular. You asked me what it was I liked so much about yours and Daniels style, well I'll tell you, you've taken a craft and turned it into art. There aren't many out there who can do what you do, I've seen many try, but It doesn't come anywhere near to your standard. You really are an artist, and that's why I admire your work so much.
Take care, keep smiling and keep up the fantastic work.
Ann x "
Fast jag tycker det är liiite överdrivet så är jag glad att hon ändå sett vad jag försöker göra - varje (nästan iaf) kort, LO, alter till konst (art). Jag lägger ned mycket tid (kanske för mycket ibland) på varje. Och resultatet är givetvis skiftande, men jag håller på att lära mig. Tack Ann!
Now since we've lived 2 nights and 1 day at Nyholm I can really say that it feels really good! We really are tired,but the move has given energy, so it feels positive. And I've made the fire 2 times in 9 hours, so that's grown-up points, isn't it??;-)
Now it's bragging time. I'm so excited over a comment from Ann, so I want to show it to you all;
"Hi Emilie,
didn't realise those were matchboxes, I thought they were ATC's, what a great idea and they all look so lovely, But the ginger bread tin, well that's just spectacular. You asked me what it was I liked so much about yours and Daniels style, well I'll tell you, you've taken a craft and turned it into art. There aren't many out there who can do what you do, I've seen many try, but It doesn't come anywhere near to your standard. You really are an artist, and that's why I admire your work so much.
Take care, keep smiling and keep up the fantastic work.
Ann x "
Even though I think it's at liiiittle excessively I'm still glad that she has seen what I'm trying to do with all (almost anyway) my creations; art. I put really much time at every creation, most certain too much time. And the result isn't great every time, but I'm still learning. Thanks Ann!
4 kommentarer:
Men du ÄR ju duktig! :) Sedan du började med scrapping mer seriöst har du ju tagit jättekliv hela tiden! Ta åt dig av hennes rader! :)
Så här typiskt svenskt så sträcker jag på mig också och blir så stolt för du är ju faktiskt min DT och allt hon skriver är sååå SANT. Det är inte alls överdrivet så sträck på dig riktigt ordentligt nu :)
Kram, Anna
Ja du är superduktig så d så :)
Vet du om pyssellyckan är öppet något på måndag den 15dec tror jag det är jag ska till S-uman?
Men shit va nice! Sug åt dig av berömmet, du råkkar liksom! :D
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